Mary-Lou has 13 combined years of experience as a Person-Centered Counsellor, Health Practitioner and Support Worker in the Disability, Aged Care and Bereavement sectors. This is backed by a Diploma of Counselling.
Mary-Lou has a warm and grounded presence in which people feel held and appreciated.
Her love for all people is at the core of her practice, and the well from which her wisdom flows. Mary-Lou will support you to connect to your own innate wisdom and from there the next steps in your journey will become clear.
Born in country Victoria, Mary-Lou has lived for long periods in both rural and urban environments, in Australia and Europe. Her life experience is both rich and varied, she is a mother of three and friend to many of all ages, and connection with people comes very naturally to Mary-Lou and is perhaps her greatest passion. Her own journey of personal growth has been long and deep and continues to unfold, she is a fellow traveler you can trust.
In times of challenge, we often want to know how things will turn out, and what might the result of an important decision be. Wanting to know the medium or long-term outplay can be crippling to decision-making. While it might be natural to wonder, all that we really need to know is the next step, life reveals itself to us on a need-to-know basis. This is a life skill Mary-Lou has found a settlement in practicing and continues to refine.
Mary-Lou will support you to settle into yourself and to realise that the answers you are seeking are already inside you and that all you need to do is trust yourself to take the next step.
"Let the wisdom of the path you have walked be the rose petals at the feet of those that are walking the same path" - Linda Goggan